Friday, November 12, 2010

Ms. Lightning Bug's Bug Jars!

4th Grade Bug Jars

Supplies: Newsprint, White, Blue, and Green Paper, "Bleeding" Tissue Paper, permanent markers, scissors, glue, paintbrushes, and water

"Bug Jars" was a 4th grade lesson.  This is a tough group of students to impress... if they think a project is boring, they will not stay on task. Luckily they really liked drawing bugs, even the girls, who drew butterflies.  I checked out some bug books in the library and also printed some images from the internet and passed them out to each table.  Because they are constantly "messing up" and throwing good sheets of paper away, I had the students practice drawing the bugs on a newsprint before drawing them in the jar.  They then drew the jar, cut it out, and drew their bugs inside.  Afterwards, they outlined the bugs in black permanent marker (**it is important to use permanent markers because later when you use tissue paper, any other markers will smear!)  They used bleeding tissue paper, water, and paintbrushes to put color on their bugs, they glued them onto a piece of paper, then I taught them how to fringe paper with scissors for grass.  It took a while and some turned out better than others but overall, I was very happy with the success of this project!

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